Micro Church

Micro Church
Establishing a Micro Church Planting Network
- Defining Micro Church Planting Movement Components
Developing a regional Micro Church Planting movement normally requires an intentional, multi-year process that equips leaders to implement leadership and discipleship development systems (components) for raising up, equipping, and multiplying healthy, growing, reproducing micro churches and churches.
Micro Church and Church Planting Movement Necessities
- Leadership: Unifying leaders around a master plan
- Discipleship: Raising up leaders from the harvest for the harvest (Disciples making Disciples)
- Vision: Developing a regional vision & comprehensive strategy
- Renewal: Implementing gospel renewal dynamics & kingdom prayer
- Coaching: Coaching church planters
- Training: Training church planters & coaches
- Equipping: Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry
- Empowering: Empowering disciples to be micro church planters
- Assessing: Assessing micro church planters
- Parenting: Equipping churches to plant churches
Reference: Adapted from Robert E. Logan, Church Multiplication, Coachnet
What are the Practical Steps that Result from Establishing These Components?
- Basic Training
- Evangelism
- Discipleship training
- Obedience based discipleship
- Praying for the lost
- Evangelism and discipleship training through a program such as the Timothy Initiative
- Intentional gospel conversations daily/weekly
- Developing the skill, tools, knowledge, and Spirit-led power and confidence and become empowered to start a micro church
- Life on life training with the organization leader or leaders daily/weekly
- Coaching through discipleship
- Continuing leadership development
- Micro churches should not grow past 15 people before a new one or several is formed
- Churches and micro church hubs and networks in surrounding cities and regions form
- The Definition of the Micro church and church planting network. It is a life-on-life Discipleship training for micro church and church planters that helps church planters and Micro Church Planting teams advance God’s kingdom by planting healthy, growing, reproducing disciples and churches.
- The Four Key Dynamics
- Discipleship: Evangilism, Equipping, and Empowering people
- Network Support Relationships: Supporting: Other Coaches, Church Planters,
- Ministry Skill Development: Skill Training, Strategy Development, Resources
- Spiritual Dynamics: Intercessory Prayer, Gospel intentionality and Gospel fluency
- Knowledge Competencies (Biblical/Theological/Practical)
- Biblical & Theological Understanding of Life, Discipleship and Ministry
The micro church planters are encouraged to grow in their understanding and application of biblical and theological truth to their lives and ministries.
Examples: Old Testament Studies, New Testament Studies, Apologetics and Basic Theology
- Practical Understanding of Life and Ministry
The Micro church planters are also encouraged to grow in their understanding of practical truth: how to minister God’s truth (including biblical and theological truth) in the context of gospel ministry, gospel fluency, and looking at life through a Biblical Worldview.
Examples: Evangelism, Micro Church Planting, Missions, Preaching, Biblical Worldview, Counseling,
Leadership, Personal Ethics.
- Character Competencies (Personal Godliness)
“Hire character. Train skill.” Peter Schutz
- Prayer
- Spiritual Vitality
- Integrity
- Sense of calling
- Family Life
- Financial Stewardship
- Conscientiousness
- Humility
- Boldness
- Others:
- Ministry Competencies (Ministry Gifts & Skills)
- Leadership
- Evangelism
- Management
- Preaching
- Teaching
- Discipleship
- Training
- Others:
- Relational Competencies (Interpersonal Skills & “EQ”)
(a) Interpersonal Skills
- Flexible
- Likable
- Stable
- Sensitive
- Loving
- Others:
(b) Emotional Intelligence (“EQ”—Daniel Goleman)
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Regulation
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Relational
- The Major Processes in Discipleship and Micro Church and Church Planter Development Result:
- Transformed Character
- Life & Ministry Experiences
- Effective leaders
- Empowered and Equipped
- Ever Learning
- The Discipleship Training Curriculum (Over 2 Years) TTI’s training has three phases that center on spiritual multiplication, obedience-based discipleship, and mentoring. During the two-year training, each disciple is a church planter and every church planter is expected to plant at least one multiplying church in their region.
- Initiate
A local, seasoned church planter and trainer leads a group of disciple makers through TTI’s introductory book, Disciples Making Disciples.
This phase takes approximately four months and has a strong emphasis on evangelism, disciple making, and church formation.
Disciple makers go through the entire Bible using TTI’s ten-book training materials. During this phase, they share their faith, plant churches, and raise up other believers to make disciples and plant churches.
This phase takes 12-15 months.
The church planting trainer continues to walk alongside disciple makers as they grow in their leadership, maturity, and move their churches towards sustainability.
The church planting trainer also identifies disciple makers who have the calling and competencies to become church planting trainers.
This phase of intentional leadership development lasts at least six months.
- Disciples are Disciple Makers
- Every Micro Church and Church Planter is expected to make disciples and start new churches
- Church planters are expected to spread the gospel rapidly to reach the community and city
- Church planters are expected to have a Paul in their life as a coach
- Church planters are expected to affirm the vision and values of the mission, show care for the personal and family well-being of the other church planters and coaches, and give evidence of a sincere desire to grow both personally (spiritually) and in their expertise in Micro Church Planting principles and practices.
- Church planters are expected to meet face-to-face at least one time per month with their coach(es)—unless truly providentially hindered. This commitment is seen as equal to the pastor’s commitment to preach when scheduled on a normal Sunday. Church planters are also expected to participate in periodic evaluation processes conducted by their coaches or Paul’s.
- Church planters are expected to constantly be discipling, evangelizing, equipping and empowering those who God has entrusted to their care.
- Church planters are expected to be accountable to their Paul and take praise, correction or rebuke as necessary.
- Church planters are expected to give their first fruits to the sending church and encourage their disciples to do the same.
- Church planters are expected to participate in recruitment and vision casting for the Micro Church Planting movement in Parsons and the surrounding area.
- Church planters are expected to provide, the vision and values of the Culture Shift Center and agree to abide by the general policies and guidelines
- Our Purpose: What is our Purpose?
Our purpose is to glorify God by advancing a movement in Parsons KS and surrounding area that is multiplying micro churches, churches and disciples through the transforming power of the gospel. Through this movement we are seeking to advance God’s kingdom in word and deed through developing a biblical world view and changing the culture by raising up churches in our region that share a passion for the glory of God in his church.
Making the invisible kingdom visible in Parsons and the surrounding area through making disciples that make disciples and starting and strengthening churches.
- Our Vision: What is our Vision?
In dependence upon God’s grace, our vision for Parsons includes:
- Empower people to be Culture Shifters toward Biblical Worldview
- Establishing indigenous, healthy, growing micro churches that are making a significant gospel impact within our town and among all of our culturally diverse people groups
- Developing kingdom-minded churches throughout our region with a strong focus on transforming our cities and towns through a Biblical Worldview as well as words of truth
- Growing our churches primarily through relentless, effective evangelism and gospel centered discipleship that results in the regular conversion and transformation of
individuals and families
- Developing a cooperative Micro Church Planting network that is recruiting, training, and mentoring emerging church planters to multiply churches among our region’s diverse groups of people
- Establishing a missional Micro Church Planting movement that is working in strategic partnerships with other ministries to facilitate more and better Micro Church Planting movements at home and abroad.
“Our vision is not merely to reach Parsons with the Gospel
but for Parsons to become a “Sending City” to all Nations!”
- Our Values: What are the core convictions that motivate what we do?
- Making Jesus Lord- We do this by daily walking with Jesus in an intimate and personal relationship by way of prayer, reading the bible and building relationships with people.
- Gospel-Centeredness- Bible as the authority for all things, it is God breathed and its self-attesting authority is essential to everyday life as we live out our walk with God by seeing life through a Biblical worldview.
- Discipleship- Becoming a convert without becoming a Disciple is not a biblical principle. The word Disciple or the form of this was used more than 260 times in the New Testament as the word Christian was used just 3 times. We cannot become merely a Christian without becoming a disciple, which is a follower of Jesus and Jesus said that we are to then in turn make disciples in Matthew 28. Disciples make disciples plain and simple.